Tararua is our team of teachers and teacher aides who support our ORS (Ongoing Resource Scheme) students. This team is led by Pipi Blundell, our Assistant Principal.
Tararua is wāhi tapu; a sacred and significant place to the tangata whenua, Rangitāne. The Tararua Range runs for 80 km from the Manawatū Gorge to the upper reaches of the Hutt Valley.
Note: to view more on each person click the + on top of the photos below

Pipi Blundell
Hi I am Pipi Blundell aka Karen Blundell. I am thrilled to be an Assistant Principal at Central Normal School, with responsibility for leading the Special Education Team. I believe in inclusive education for all students, which allows all individuals to reach their true potential. I have been in education for 38 years. My last role was Practice Leader for Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour, here in Palmerston North. I am looking forward to meeting our students, their whanau, the wider community and the staff at Central Normal School. |
PIPI BLUNDELLAssistant Principal

Liz Harrison
Kia Ora Koutou
My name is Liz Harrison and I am lucky enough to be an ORS teacher at CNS. I love getting to know my students and finding out their individual interests, so I can get them excited about learning and to grow their 'super powers’. I love seeing our ORS students celebrated within the classroom by their amazing peers and staff within the school.

Diana Griffioen
Kia Ora, my name is Diana and I am one of the ORS teachers here at Central Normal School. It has been a great pleasure to get to know all tamariki and see them grow towards their potential. I can't wait to see the growth all of them will have achieved by the end of the school year. Each and every one of the tamariki is special and has their own path to follow. My job is to support the tamariki and to provide a safe, comfortable and fun learning environment.
Diana Griffioen ORS Teacher

Simone Murphy
Kia ora, I’m Simone Murphy and I have the privilege of being an ORS Teacher at CNS. I love the safe and nurturing environment that CNS gives our tamariki and I believe that once children have their belonging, know they have a place and they feel safe and secure they can achieve. I love being part of the children’s growth and watching them learn alongside their supportive classroom peers and teacher in a safe and nurturing environment.
Simone Murphy ORS Teacher
We also have a large number of highly talented Teacher Aides who support children with their learning.
Ada-May Green
Andrea Freebairn
Andrea Wishnowsky
Angel Waru
Angela Brownlie
Courtney Bartley
Diane Murray
Dianne Fountaine-Cody
Janine Guard
Karen Browne
Karen Phillips
Karen Tinning
Kate Palmer-Dench
Kathryn Watson
Krystal Sefton
Linda Lockwood
Lisa Smiley
Liz Kingston
Lucy Wistrand
Olivia Walker
Rachael Rapira
Samara Moon
Sarah Woods
Sarena Timoti
Shelly Whitburn
Sheryll Bailey
Sophie Baylis
Tyra Ruruku
Ongoing Resource Scheme
A school culture of ‘inclusion’...at the forefront in educating children with special.