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Whārite is our Junior Team (Years 0-3) in Kura Auraki (mainstream) and is housed in Akomanga 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17 & 18. Whārite is led by Raewynne Hill.

Whārite peak is named after the nesting place of Tītī (Mutton Birds).




Raewynne Hill

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Kia ora. Kō Raewynne Hill tōku ingoa. Hi, my name is Raewynne Hill (Whaea Raewynne).  I am the team leader of Wharite Team and the teacher in Akomanga 12. I strongly believe in developing a Community of Learners where the students and I are partners in our learning journey. I have a strong interest in literacy and love seeing my students being creative while exploring their interests and developing their learning.

Outside of school I love catching up with my three adult children and catching the elusive trout in Lake Taupo.

Raewynne Hill Team Leader

Sarah Maton

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Kia Ora, I’m Whaea Sarah and I'm thrilled to be back at Central Normal, but this year with a class of New Entrants! I'm really excited to be bringing together all my years of both Early Childhood Education and Primary experience into creating safe and effective transitions into kura for our newest akonga. Relationships are something that I have always valued above all else and I can't wait to get to know you and your tamariki.

I have three young children myself and you can usually find me helping DIY our lifestyle property and/or carting our boys to various sports! 


Susan Macdonald

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Tēnā koutou, Ko Susan Macdonald tōku ingoa. I am excited to join the Whārite Team, teaching year ones. 

My strengths are in developing positive relationships and I believe in making learning fun! 

I love to inspire new readers, writers and mathematicians and help ākonga feel successful. 

I am looking forward to getting to know the tamariki, whānau and wider community so come and say hello to me in Akomanga 7!

Susan Macdonald  Teacher

Shaina O'Riley

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Kia ora,
I'm Whaea Shaina and I am excited to join the amazing Central Normal and Whārite Team, teaching in Akomanga 9.
Having fun and building a strong relationship with tamariki is at the heart of my role as a kaiako. It is a privilege to get to know and celebrate the uniqueness of each of the tamariki whilst supporting them to develop a love of learning during their time at school.
I look forward to getting to know the tamariki, whānau and Central Normal community.
Shaina O'Riley Teacher

Kate Foxall

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Kate Foxall Teacher

Laurel Winiata

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Kia ora. Kō Laurel Winiata tōku ingoa. Our ākonga know me as Whaea Laurel. I have the privilege of teaching Year 1 & 2 ākonga in Akomanga 11 as part of the Whārite Team. 

Kindness and acceptance is at my core. I love helping and guiding tamariki to develop and celebrate their unique strengths & skills through all aspects of school life. 

Structured Literacy is a passion of mine, and I am very fortunate to be able to share this passion with our ākonga.  

It is a privilege to be a kaiako at Te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea and to be a part our kura community. 

Laurel Winiata Teacher

Chantal Landman

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Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Chantel tōku ingoa. At te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea I am known as Whaea Chantel and you will find me in Akomanga 10. Together with your tamariki, we aim to develop a love for learning, while also fostering crucial life skills alongside that learning. It takes a community to raise a child and I am grateful that we get to play a role in the upbringing of our tamariki. Together we can help our little people become the best versions of themselves here at Central Normal School and in the wider world.

Chantel Landman Teacher

Laurel Winiata

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Lily Evans Teacher

Emma Riley

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Emma Riley Teacher

Georgia Green

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Georgia Green Teacher