The Manawatū Team is the Senior Leadership Team of our school. This team consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal, two Assistant Principals and three Team Leaders.
The Manawatū Awa (River) was named by an explorer called Hau who was travelling down the coast from Taranaki following his wife, Wairaka. Hau had crossed several rivers when he reached the Manawatū. Manawatū means ‘heart standing still’; an appropriate reference to Hau’s fear that he would not be able to get across this big, wide river.
Note: to view more on each person click the + on top of the photos below

Elly Warnock
Tēnā koutou e te whānau!
Ko ingarangi te whakapaparangi mai.
Kāore ōku toto Māori, engari ko Aotearoa te whenua i whakatipu mai ia au.
Ko Papaioea te kāinga.
Ko Warnock tōku whānau.
Ko au te Tumuaki o te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea.
Ko Elly ahau.
What an honour to be the Tumuaki/Principal of Te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea/Central Normal School while Regan is away on secondment at the Ministry of Education until December 2025.
The whakatauki, ‘He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata’ sits at the heart of our kura. We place great value and emphasis on our people and strive to have a kura where everyone - tamariki, kaiako and whānau, are at the forefront and heart of every decision. From this foundation, learning and teaching can flourish.
I welcome your visit to our kura
Ngā Manaakitanga
ELLY WARNOCK Tumuaki/Principal

Catherine Pallesen
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko ingarangi te whakapaparangi mai engari ko papaioia te kāinga.
He Tumuaki Tuarua au i te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioia.
Ko Catherine toku ingoa.
I have been Teaching at Central Normal for 28 years and this year I am super excited to be further developing my leadership skills as Acting Deputy Principal. I love that I am going to be able to support our tamariki and kaiako in a different way.

Pipi Blundell
Hi I am Pipi Blundell aka Karen Blundell. I am thrilled to be an Assistant Principal at Central Normal School, with responsibility for leading the Special Education Team. I believe in inclusive education for all students, which allows all individuals to reach their true potential. I have been in education for 38 years. My last role was Practice Leader for Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour, here in Palmerston North. I am looking forward to meeting our students, their whanau, the wider community and the staff at Central Normal School. |

Imogen Smith
Kia Ora Koutou

Rangiaue Seumanu
Mauri ora ki te whānau o te kura nei, ā tēnā tātou.
Ki te taha o tōku kuia, he uri tēnei nō ngā iwi o Ngāti Raukawa te au ki te tonga me Ngāti Apa, nō ngā waka o Tainui me Kurahaupō.
I tipu ake au ki tō mātou ūkaipō, ko Ōhinepuhiawe, ki te taha o tō mātou whare tūpuna o Parewahawaha.
Ko te awa rā e whakairo ana i te whenua, hei tautīnei mō tō mātou hapū o Ngāti Parewahawaha, ko Rangitīkei.
Ki te taha o tōku koroua, he uri hoki ahau nō Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngai Tūhoe me Ngāti Kahungunu.
Ko Alefaio tōku hoa tāne. I ahu mai ia i te whenua tapu o Savai’i kei Hāmoa, ā, ko te ingoa tawhito, ko Hawaiki. Tokorima ā māua tamariki. Tēnā tātou.
I am so lucky to be working with our tamariki in Te Arawaru in the Whare with Year 3/4 this year. I am passionate about Māori achievement and empowering our tamariki to enter the world confident and proud of their Māoritanga. I enjoy being part of the journey watching our tamariki grow in their mātauranga Māori, creativity and most of all, in who they are.
Tēnā toutou.

Raewynne Hill
Kia ora. Kō Raewynne Hill tōku ingoa. Hi, my name is Raewynne Hill (Whaea Raewynne). I am the team leader of Wharite Team and the teacher in Akomanga 12. I strongly believe in developing a Community of Learners where the students and I are partners in our learning journey. I have a strong interest in literacy and love seeing my students being creative while exploring their interests and developing their learning. Outside of school I love catching up with my three adult children and catching the elusive trout in Lake Taupo. |

Rachel Mason
Ko Tararua ngā pae maunga
Ko Manawatu toku awa
Ko Papaioea toku wahi noho
He kaiako ahau kei te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea toku kura
Ko Mason tōku ingoa whānau
Ko Rachel tōku ingoa
No reira ko ahau tēnei
Tena koutou, tena koutou
Tena koutou katoa
Kia Ora! I’m Rachel Mason and I am lucky enough to be the team leader of Māharahara - our middle school team full of amazing Year 3 and 4 students. This year you will find me in Akomanga 15. I really enjoy getting to know the students in my class, in our team and in our wider kura, along with all of their amazing whānau, and seeing them thrive in their learning each and every day! In my spare time I enjoy playing netball, heading out along our beautiful river walks with my little Foxy dog Daisy, spending time with family and friends and trying my hand at DIY renovations in my home - if you have any handy hints, feel free to let me know!