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Te Arawaru is our Māori Immersion Learning Team led by Rangiaue Seumanu.  Te Arawaru consists of six Rumaki classes (Level 1 immersion). All classes in Te Arawaru teach from the Māori Curriculum - Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. 

It was from the peak, Te Arawaru, that the Rangitane people on both sides of the ranges would light fires to signal their relatives on the other side when assistance was needed in times of trouble. Te Arawaru also refers to the whetū marama, the eight-pointed star and the eight pathways.



Te Arawaru Team Leader

Rangiaue Seumanu

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Mauri ora ki te whānau o te kura nei, ā tēnā tātou.

Ki te taha o tōku kuia, he uri tēnei nō ngā iwi o Ngāti Raukawa te au ki te tonga me Ngāti Apa, nō ngā waka o Tainui me Kurahaupō.

I tipu ake au ki tō mātou ūkaipō, ko Ōhinepuhiawe, ki te taha o tō mātou whare tūpuna o Parewahawaha. 

Ko te awa rā e whakairo ana i te whenua, hei tautīnei mō tō mātou hapū o Ngāti Parewahawaha, ko Rangitīkei. 

Ki te taha o tōku koroua, he uri hoki ahau nō Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngai Tūhoe me Ngāti Kahungunu.

Ko Alefaio tōku hoa tāne. I ahu mai ia i te whenua tapu o Savai’i kei Hāmoa, ā, ko te ingoa tawhito, ko Hawaiki. Tokorima ā māua tamariki. Tēnā tātou.

I am so lucky to be working with our tamariki in Te Arawaru in the Whare with Year 3/4 this year. I am passionate about Māori achievement and empowering our tamariki to enter the world confident and proud of their Māoritanga. I enjoy being part of the journey watching our tamariki grow in their mātauranga Māori, creativity and most of all, in who they are. 

Tēnā toutou.


Mere Waru

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Ko Ngongotaha te maunga
Ko Awahou te awa
Ko Te Arawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Rangiwewehi me Ngāti Whakaue oku hapū
No Rotorua ahau
Ko Mere Waru tōku ingoa
Tēnā koutou katoa,

Akomanga 19 is a very special place to come and learn in a te reo immersion setting. I enjoy researching Maori history and am very passionate about Mahi Toi and DIY projects around the home with a Māori twist. Quality whanau time is always a must in our household.

Mere Waru Pouako

Ana Nolan-Edwards

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Ana Nolan-Edwards Pouako

Hine Rokosuka

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Ko Hikurangi te maunga, 
Ko Waiapu te awa, 
Ko Horouta te waka,    
Ko Awatere te marae,
Ko Tuwhakairiora te hapu,
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi,   
Ko Hine Moana Rokosuka tōku ingoa.
Tena ra koutou katoa.

Kia ora e te whanau o te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea. I am blessed to be teaching in Akomanga 23 this year working with our Year 4/5 students. It is a privilege working at this kura with a wonderful and supportive staff. This is my 4th year here and I love being apart of this whānau. Our door is always open and look forward to seeing you this year.  

Naku noa,
Whaea Hine

Hine Rokosuka Pouako

Mahi Selby-Law

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Tēnā koutou kātoa,

He uri ahau nō Ngāti Raukawa ki tonga. E noho ana ahau ki Te Papaioea ki taha o āku tamariki. Ko Ranea rāua ko Evander.

Ko ahau te kaiako hei āwhina i ētehi tamariki ki te whakapiki i o rātou pukenga reo matatini.

Mauri ora ki a koutou kātoa

Mahi Selby-Law Pouako

Iritana Smith

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Iritana Smith Pouako

Rezina Marino

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Rezina Marino Pouako

Katy Sowman

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Katy Sowman Pouako


learning in Māori since 1995.

Reo Rua and Rumaki learning at Central Normal School Te Kura Tuatahi o Papaioea